About us:


The mission of CCCC is to promote health, self-determination, and self-advocacy for individuals and communities affected by drug use, stigma, poverty, and inequities, with a primary focus on serving individuals who use drugs. All of our work is rooted in dignity, justice, and respect and centers members of affected communities in the planning and programming of our organization.


Transparency, healing, anti-oppression, community, non-judgment, love, and joy

Image: CCCC Staff


Charm City Care Connection was founded in 2009 by local students in collaboration with East Baltimore community leaders. Together, students and community members envisioned a future free from disparities in health and healthcare access. Originally called Charm City Clinic, our organization focused on engaging residents of East Baltimore and offering preventive health screenings and comprehensive case management to obtain and maintain access to high-quality health service with our partner sites, The Men and Families Center and Dee’s Place. In the 10 years of working with residents in East Baltimore, CCCC has been acutely aware of the growing crisis of drug use and related health problems, as mental health and substance use are common among our clients.  In 2019, the CCCC board and staff decided to open our harm reduction service program to address the emergent need to engage people who actively use drugs. While continuing our services of health screenings and case management, we now offer; overdose education and naloxone distribution, sterile syringe distribution and collection, regular drop-in hours, weekly community lunches and leisure activities.